Taylor Rodriguez6 minWhy I Quit Herbalife after 5 Successful Years!"MLM's" or Multilevel Marketing companies have been around for decades and for every 1 majorly successful one, there are about 10 others...
Taylor Rodriguez3 minThe Negative Side Effects of a Low Calorie DietManaging calories is the key to achieving desired body composition goals. We all know this. But, with facing so much pressure from...
Taylor Rodriguez5 minHeart Health & the Story of Megan WashingtonFor many of us, the reason behind why we never go after our goals is simply due to fear. It's a hard pill to swallow but there comes a...
Taylor Rodriguez5 minHow to Stay Fit on VacationWith summer vacation being in full swing, for many of us, maintaining our goals is important. Use these tips the next time you vacation.
Taylor Rodriguez3 minWhat Happens When You Stop Drinking Alcohol?I can speak from experience when I say, quitting, or at least slowing down on alcohol consumption can be extremely difficult. This...
Taylor Rodriguez2 minA Message To Our CompetitionDear Competing Fitness Facilities, Yes, we see you. We see you over there with your low low prices and your buns of steel bootcamp...
Taylor Rodriguez2 minHow To Properly DetoxCLEANSING became our latest wellness buzz word 1-2 years ago and companies are taking full advantage by releasing juice diets, detox...
Taylor Rodriguez3 min3 Tips To Improve Your Personal Training BusinessWith there being so many personal trainers and "health coaches" walking around nowadays, it is easy to get lost in the shuffle. Ho