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Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
What is a Nutrition Coach and Why Work With One?
You've done every diet and weight loss strategy known to man. All of them come to an end in just a few weeks and you're left feeling...

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
What Happens When You Stop Drinking Alcohol?
I can speak from experience when I say, quitting, or at least slowing down on alcohol consumption can be extremely difficult. This...

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
Do You Need a Diet Break?
Unless you simply don't give a crap about your body and overall health, it's more than likely that you've done a "diet" at some point in...

Taylor Rodriguez
2 min read
Stop Tracking Numbers
Whether you are a small business owner, individual trying hit a wellness goal, manager at a corporate facility, or an individual...

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
Cheat Meals on Weekends
Great Morning, What is your normal routine most weekends? Sleep in, mow the lawn, binge watch some shows, meet up with friends and have a...

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
Overnight Success
Happy Tuesday! We are officially towards the end of March, can you believe it? How many of you have stuck with your New Year's...

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
Recognizing Small Successes
Happy days everybody! I’m incredible sorry for not posting more frequently like I use to but I’ve been hard at work in the community,...

Taylor Rodriguez
1 min read
What Nobody Tells You About Weight Loss!
The first step in everyone's weight loss journey should always consist of sitting down in a quiet space and getting really REAL with...

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
Morning Routines & Success
Great morning team! It is currently 8am on a cold and beautiful Friday morning and I couldn't enjoy it more. This past week, I've been...

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
Defining Our Health Goals
Happy Thursday team! As some of you might be aware of, my wife and I have recently started our own Youtube channel-Taz Fitness. We are...

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
Our Addictions & Sabotaging Our Goals
It is of no secret to anybody that the majority of our culture in North America is fascinated and borderline obsessed with flashiness....

Taylor Rodriguez
7 min read
From Bodybuilding to Crossfit
Great day everyone! Well, Hurricane Irma has come and gone and left a path of destruction behind. Through God's grace, we never lost...

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
How to Defeat Food Cravings
Why do we consistently get sweet cravings? This may surprise you!
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