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Taylor Rodriguez
5 min read
Heart Health & the Story of Megan Washington
For many of us, the reason behind why we never go after our goals is simply due to fear. It's a hard pill to swallow but there comes a...

Taylor Rodriguez
5 min read
How to Stay Fit on Vacation
With summer vacation being in full swing, for many of us, maintaining our goals is important. Use these tips the next time you vacation.

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
Top 5 Tips to Stay Fit and Successful as a New Parent
There is no denying that trying to stay fit and successful as a new parent can be difficult. Between late night feedings, working on...

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
What is a Nutrition Coach and Why Work With One?
You've done every diet and weight loss strategy known to man. All of them come to an end in just a few weeks and you're left feeling...

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
What Happens When You Stop Drinking Alcohol?
I can speak from experience when I say, quitting, or at least slowing down on alcohol consumption can be extremely difficult. This...

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
Do You Need a Diet Break?
Unless you simply don't give a crap about your body and overall health, it's more than likely that you've done a "diet" at some point in...

Taylor Rodriguez
2 min read
How To Properly Recover
With so much research being passed out nowadays regarding the importance of recovery, you have to wonder why so many are still ignoring...

Taylor Rodriguez
2 min read
A Message To Our Competition
Dear Competing Fitness Facilities, Yes, we see you. We see you over there with your low low prices and your buns of steel bootcamp...

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
Why It's Important To Give A F***!
There's been a trendy mindset of not caring about what others think. Here are 3 reasons why you should indeed care!

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
5 Personal Development Strategies
With this world constantly changing and asking more out of everyone, we are in need of personal and professional growth. Especially if we...

Taylor Rodriguez
2 min read
How To Properly Warm Up
Warming up should be a serious staple in every individual’s routine. Unfortunately, I see the vast majority simply walk into the gym,...

Taylor Rodriguez
2 min read
How To Properly Detox
CLEANSING became our latest wellness buzz word 1-2 years ago and companies are taking full advantage by releasing juice diets, detox...

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
Why it's important to stay in your lane!
With technology developing and expanding at the rate that it is, it's easier than ever to get your hands and eyes on any type of...

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
3 Tips To Improve Your Personal Training Business
With there being so many personal trainers and "health coaches" walking around nowadays, it is easy to get lost in the shuffle. Ho

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
Redefining the Dad Bod
Not all changes are good. How should we prevent excessive weight gain as we get older? As men, should we be proud of our Dad Bods or should

Taylor Rodriguez
2 min read
Avoiding Self-Sabotage
With life being as challenging as it is, sticking to a wellness protocol can be very difficult. I wanted to send this as a reminder that...

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
Emylee Gotsch Testimonial
Good morning world, I truly hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving feast! I am back again with another amazing Transformation Tuesday...

Taylor Rodriguez
5 min read
Transformation Tuesday - Jess B.
Learn all about the story of Jessica Bergin, former soccer player to future Bodybuilding figure competitor!

Taylor Rodriguez
2 min read
Where Most Beginners Fail
We've all been beginners in our fitness journeys at some point. After you've adopted the habit of working out and eating clean almost...

Taylor Rodriguez
6 min read
How to Spot an Unprofessional Personal Trainer
Happy Friday! Signing up for Personal Training can be a very intimidating process. For some, quite embarrassing. Individuals are being...
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