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Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
The 2 Most Guaranteed But Neglected Fat Loss Strategies
These two tips have stayed the test of time and continue to provide people with results to this day!

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
FAQ - Hashimoto's Disease
Hashimoto's Disease is an autoimmune disease that gathers a lot of questions. Get your most asked questions finally answered!

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
4 Tips to Overcoming Reverse Diet Struggles
If you've ever experienced a reverse diet, you know it can be a mental & emotional struggle. Use these tips so you win with your health

Taylor Rodriguez
5 min read
5 Rules for Fit Parents to Follow
Parenting has its challenges. Maintaining health goals while raising a child can be even more challenging. Use this tips to help you...

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
The 5 Biggest Hormone Distruptors
Our hormones have a huge impact on our overall well-being as well as how we perform each day, yet, they are frequently ignored. Use these ti

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
4 Ways to Make Healthy Habits Stick
Setting new habits to achieve our goals isn't simple, but it is easy with the right approach. Use these tips to help you move forward!

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
How To Create Healthy Eating Habits (3 Hacks)
Struggling to achieve your health goals? You aren't alone. Surprisingly, motivation isn't what is holding you back!

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
How to Lose Weight & Burn Fat Without Dieting
Burning fat and achieving our weight loss goals has become overly complicated in today's society. Use these tips to simplify the process.

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
Top 3 Frequently Asked Nutrition Questions
With everyone having an opinion about nutrition, it's hard to get the facts.

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
What and Why is the Cortisol Curve So Important?
Are you experiencing high levels of energy at night but dragging in the morning? You might be suffering from a hormonal imbalance!

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
Biggest Takeaways From My (Almost) Mental Collapse
Many of us enjoy working hard, especially when it’s for our own goals but we have to remain in balance to avoid long-term stress.

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
6 Reasons Why You're Not Losing Weight
Struggling to break your body weight plateau? Use these tips to stay on track with your goals!

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
Why Strength Training is Superior to Cardio
When we desire to lose fat, our first action might be to hop on a treadmill, but these tips will show you why we should be lifting weights.

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
How to Successful Structure Goals in 2020
Achieving goals is more than writing them down. That is why so many fail each year. More importantly, it's about HOW you structure them.

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
Top 5 Health and Fitness Trends Leading the Way in 2020
With 2019 almost in the books and 2020 right around the corner, what better time than now to predict what the future has in store for...

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
How To Beat Fatigue and Improve Energy
Feeling like life just punched you in the face? Chronic fatigue is the number one complaint I hear from individuals during health...

Taylor Rodriguez
6 min read
Why I Quit Herbalife after 5 Successful Years!
"MLM's" or Multilevel Marketing companies have been around for decades and for every 1 majorly successful one, there are about 10 others...

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
The Negative Side Effects of a Low Calorie Diet
Managing calories is the key to achieving desired body composition goals. We all know this. But, with facing so much pressure from...

Taylor Rodriguez
4 min read
3 Valuable Health Tips Busy Dads Need to Know
When it comes to the world of Health and Wellness, everyone believes that they are a guru. It comes with the technological era that we...

Taylor Rodriguez
3 min read
How To Stay Active with a Sedentary Job
How can we live our healthiest lives when we are immobile for 40+ hours a week? As a full time Graphic Designer, I know the struggle. One...
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